‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ brings heart to the world wide web in Disney’s latest animated feature

‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ brings heart to the world wide web in Disney’s latest animated feature

Disney’s Thanksgiving movie release this year is “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” a sequel to the splashy 2012 video game-themed film about unlikely friendships that wrecked the hearts of many. This fall, those beloved characters will be thrust into the world wide web when the arcade introduces WiFi for a story that will resonate with viewers…

Young cast of ‘Avatar’ sequels visit Pandora – the World of Avatar for inspiration
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Young cast of ‘Avatar’ sequels visit Pandora – the World of Avatar for inspiration

The new, youthful cast of the upcoming “Avatar” sequels visited Pandora – the World of Avatar during a recent trip to Walt Disney World to seek inspiration for their new roles.