What it’s like to take the Amtrak Auto Train to Orlando

The Amtrak Auto Train is a long-distance passenger service operating between Lorton, Vir. (near Washington, D.C.), and Sanford, Fla (near Orlando), which allows passengers to bring their vehicles along, providing a unique travel experience for those looking to avoid the hassle of driving long distances or flying.

Amtrak Auto Train

By Paula from Practically Perfect Family

As the only auto train in the U.S., the Auto Train offers a convenient way for travelers to transport their cars, motorcycles, SUVs, and small boats between the Northeast and the Southeast. Passengers can relax in their seats or private accommodations while their vehicles are safely carried in specially designed rail cars.

Benefits of Taking the Amtrak Auto Train with Kids

When planning a family trip to Florida, transportation is an important decision. While flying and driving are popular options, taking the Amtrak Auto Train offers several advantages for families with kids.

1. Cost-Effective

One of the main benefits of the Amtrak Auto Train is that it can be a cost-effective choice for families. When comparing the total cost of airfare for the whole family along with a rental car and other associated expenses, the Auto Train provides a budget-friendly travel experience where passengers can bring their vehicles along.

Amtrak Auto Train

Flying might be more cost-effective for solo travelers or small groups on shorter trips, especially if booking tickets well in advance or catching a sale; however, for families or individuals looking to avoid the hassle of driving long distances, the Auto Train can save on rental car expenses at the destination.

Ultimately, the price comparison depends on individual circumstances such as group size, vehicle transportation needs, flexibility in travel dates, and personal preferences. Travelers should weigh all these factors to determine which option provides the best value for their situation.

2. Convenience

Traveling with kids can be challenging, especially when navigating airports or spending long hours in the car. The Amtrak Auto Train offers a convenient way to travel to Florida without the hassle of airports or constant stops for rest breaks. Instead, families can enjoy a comfortable journey with the flexibility to move around, relax, and even sleep in their own vehicles.

Amtrak Auto Train

The ability to leave luggage in your car—especially when traveling to a place like Walt Disney World or Universal—is also a huge bonus (and allows you to bring those extra ears!).

3. Entertainment and Amenities

Amtrak Auto Train

Unlike long drives where kids may get restless or flights with limited space, the Auto Train provides onboard entertainment and amenities. From scenic views to dining options, families can make the journey an enjoyable part of the vacation, and kids can move around, play games, and enjoy the unique experience of traveling by train.

4. Time-Saving

Driving to Florida can take hours or even days, and flying involves waiting times at airports, but the Amtrak Auto Train can save families valuable time. By combining travel time with overnight accommodation, families can arrive in Florida refreshed and ready to start their vacation.

5. Family Bonding

Traveling on the Amtrak Auto Train offers a unique opportunity for families to spend quality time together enjoying meals in the dining car, playing games in the family room, or simply watching the landscape pass by.

Stop Waiting for the Destination and Start Enjoying the Journey

Taking the Amtrak Auto Train to Florida can offer a cost-effective, convenient, entertaining, time-saving, and bonding experience for the whole family, so consider all the advantages when planning your next family trip for a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience.

Amtrak Auto Train

Click here for more information, and check out our Instagram Highlight for a more in-depth look at our Amtrak Travels HERE


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